MadDog Cider

Hungarian craft cider
100% apple
Our cider

If you like the commercial ciders on the market that are made from apple concentrate, water,
We make our cider the traditional way and that why we can say we are 100% craft. Just 100% apple.
Our ciders
Handcrafted Hungarian cider just made the traditional way.
About us
Cant find what you like? Make it yourself!
If you want to know why we have started to make our own cider, read more!
Where can you get our ciders?

One Beer
József körút 63, Budapest, Hungary, 1085

Beer Brothers
1052 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos út 20.

KEG Sörművház
1114 Budapest, Orlay u. 1.

Jack Doyle’s Irish Pub
1052 Budapest, Pilvax köz 1-3.

London Stone Pub
1077, Budapest,Wesselényi utca 13.


Traffic M3
1155 Alkotmány utca 20

Kandalló Kézműves Pub
1073 Budapest, Kertész u. 33.

Vécsey Káaroly u 21. 8600

Fizzyness Craft Beverages

Szondi u 66. Budapest 1062

MadDog is becoming available in more and more places in Budapest. You will find more information on our blogposts here and on our FB page.